Our Core Team

Jessica completed her FdSc in Event Management through the University of Ulster before she embarked on her travels to Australia in 2012, where she worked in Marketing and Sales for a Real Estate Company in Western Australia, however, the green grass of home called and Jessica moved back to Northern Ireland in 2013. Jessica is now responsible for the end to end event management and marketing for various clients and multiple events having a wealth of knowledge in running events of various sizes across a range of sectors.
Previous to joining Podiem, Jessica worked as a Group Marketing Manager for a network of Financial Services companies based in Belfast. Her experience in the field of marketing is further substantiated by her CIM diploma in professional marketing and Jessica is an MCIM member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
Jessica is originally from Fermanagh but lives in Co Down with her husband and little boy and loves nothing more than getting back to the Lakelands to catch up with friends and Family. Her beloved Cockapoo, Lola, is never too far behind her either!

Kevin completed an MBA through the Ulster Business School in 2009, this is in addition to an MSc (with Distinction) in Strategic Project Planning from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh and a First Class Honours BSc in Communications Advertising and Marketing from Ulster University.
Kevin is married with four wonderful (and very young) children so his football playing days are over. That said, he still finds time to watch the ‘mighty’ (his words) Liverpool FC.

He headed up management, leadership and organisational development in Bombardier Aerospace NI and supported operations in North America, Europe & Middle East.
In 2002 Bill was asked to establish an initiative to help drive the management and leadership agenda across the SME sector as part of the programme for government. Along with a number of senior business leaders they created the highly acclaimed Management & Leadership Network (MLN).
In 2009 Bill co-founded Podiem as a niche consultancy in the area of People & Organisation Development, Integration and Event Management. His main area of expertise is working with clients e.g. Owners, MD’s and Senior Teams to identify strategic change, create high performing organisations and build strength in depth.

After 7 long years and way too many flights she finally gave up the commute and settled back in to full-time Northern Irish life. She soon took up a position with an all-Ireland event management agency, which later merged with the foremost global event and communications agency in the world. During almost 3 years there she progressed to Head of Division before moving on to become the Corporate Planning and Communications Manager for the Northern Ireland Law Commission.
In 2009 she co-founded Podiem and, together with Bill Manson and Kevin Kelly, has successfully overseen the growth of both MLN and Podiem in the years since. In keeping with her eye for precision and the finer things in life, she is a vintage motor enthusiast and has competed successfully locally and internationally as both a navigator and driver.
Our Behaviours
Most companies talk about their values. We like to talk about our behaviours, which are underpinned by our values, because it is tangible behaviours, and associated outcomes, that matter to our client