Engage: The Client
The School for Social Enterprises in Ireland (and partners including Flax Trust, Urban Villages and Ulster University)
The School for Social Enterprises in Ireland (and partners including Flax Trust, Urban Villages and Ulster University)
Project manage, in partnership with Ulster University, the Transform Social Enterprise Development Programme. It targets the recruitment and development of circa 20 individuals who have an idea for starting or growing a social enterprise or/and those from existing community organisations, social enterprises and charities who are trying to diversify their income streams.
Over the past 6 years over 80 social entrepreneurs (and prospective social business leaders) have graduated through the programme with many going on to establish social businesses that have transformed communities and lives. Podiem recently lead the rebranding of the programme and Transform 2020 attracted a record number of applicants with 24 successful participants commencing in January. In partnership with Ulster University, Podiem has created a programme which informs, inspires and galvanises participants over a period of 12 months through the delivery of modules, Study Visits, Masterclasses, Mentoring and Guest Lectures from Business Leaders and Social Innovators.
Transform has given me new ideas and a much better understanding of how I can bring these to social business fruition